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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter today!  We had a nice one at my house.  Brunch, then headed to Molbak’s to look at flowers, followed by dinner…I was stuffed by the end of the day!

While Jaime and I were playing Mario on the WII a few minutes ago, we felt an earthquake.  It was much smaller then the one last year, this one was only a 2.3, but we still felt it!

earthquake *Information came from*

 It started out with a bang and it sounded like the neighbors below Jaime’s condo were being loud.  Then the shaking started, since it was only a 2.3, it wasn’t very noticeable.  I think the only reason we felt it was the bang right before was loud and caught our attention!  What a fun way to end (or I guess start) the week!!

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