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Monday, December 29, 2008


Okay, who can forget these three posts where I left you all hanging on WHY I needed that dumb fire wire chord from Radio Shack. Let's take a walk back down memory lane shall we...

Nov.29 -- String of Bad Computer Luck
Nov.30 -- More Computer Bad Luck
Dec.1 -- TMI I'm sure & More Bad Computer Luck w/ a little bit of good mixed in!

So Brandi & I made a 35minute long video of our Caribbean Cruise we went on as a family this past February!! We got it printed & put onto DVDs for gifts for my parents, Brandi's parents and our Grandma! It's long, but if you have time it's definitely funny!! We had several thousands of photos to choose from, but our video options weren't great - but what I can say we're amateur's! Now we know for our next cruise in 2010 what we should focus on!!

I'm still working on the Christmas one - hopefully I'll get it done soon!

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