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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dear Nursing Program….


Never thought I would admit this, or be okay with NOT getting into nursing school!!  Loving what I’m doing now!!

I’m linking up today with Supah Mommy's Post-It-Note Tuesday!!  Check it out and link-up!!


Hello Jessica Lynn said...
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Hello Jessica Lynn said...

I took nursing in school and although I never became a nurse I enjoyed the classes, but I really enjoy what I'm doing now. Good luck with whatever your plans may be!!! :0)

I found you through the follow events for Tuesday!!

Hope you will visit either or both of my blogs and even follow either one or both of them.

Happy Tuesday!! :)

Jessicas Lil Corner-Family Blog:

So Stylilized-FREE Custom Blog Designs: (and even a twitter or grabbing a button is appreciated but not necessary...a follow is definitely appreciated!!)

Thanks again, and have a blessed and happy Tuesday!!

viewfromdownhere said...

That's great that you love what you're doing! Always a good thing :-)

Julie said...

Found you on FMBT, great blog! New Follower

Hannah said...

I am so happy that you are enjoying your non nursing school classes! I loved ASL too! I hope you are having a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I am your newest follower from Tuesday Train. Love those post it notes. I might have to join in the party.

Marie The Things We Find Inside

nomo wino daph said...

Glad that your enjoying what your doing.
It's not really a "job" when you love it!!

Coming to you via the Post-It Note Thursday....
I am your newest follower!

Mass Hole Mommy said...

Hi there! I am your newest follower!

Sherri said...

Whoo-hoo! I am psyched that you are psyched, and maybe this is why it all worked out this way??!

Love the post-it-note thing, but don't have a clue how to do it!

Kristen said...

Isn't it funny how we get so upset about not getting or doing things and then later realize it was all for the best? I am glad you are doing something you enjoy.


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