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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Our Mommyhood Guest Post!

I’m so excited that my first blog guest post was posted today over at Our Mommyhood!  You might ask why am I guest writing for a mommy’s blog when I’m not one, well that’s simple, I have a lot of experience as a nanny and wanted to share some advice from a nanny’s point of view!  I was lucky enough to be asked by a blogging buddy Liz from A Belle, A Bean, and A Chicago Dog, if I’d write one.  I of course jumped at the chance and had fun writing one!

I wrote the article about a month ago, and have been giddy with anticipation ever since!  I’ve known for about two weeks the date that my article would be published and it’s been hard waiting so long!

Please pop over and check out what I had to say, what I posted about and ask questions any questions you might have!  I’m hoping to get enough questions to do another guest post answering questions about nanny’s and childcare options!  So please hop on over and check it out!  Don’t forget to come back and tell me what you though!!

OurMommyhood.comClick on the OMH button above to be taken to the Our Mommyhood site!

Link just to just my guest post … Not Your Typical Childcare

If you have any questions for me, please leave a comment below or email me at!  If you are interested in having me guest post for you about my experience as a nanny, my experience with multiples (I have experience with twins to quintuplets) or anything else relevant, please send me an email to with the information!!

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