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Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Jaime & I ventured to the zoo with the kids (Madison, Sophia, her friend Lauren and the triplets) - we met Julia and her kiddos there and had one big excusion. Jaime joked that we should have had t-shirts made up like a daycare since that's what we looked like! Jaime, Julia & I, our 3 strollers and 5 walking kids all wandering through the exhibits!! The weather was beautiful - it's so nice to have hot weather again!

After the zoo we walked over the big park they have in the South Entrance's parking lot - and let the big kids play and got the triplets out of the stroller for the first time in awhile!! Everyone got along well - and we had a great day!! .... I told Jaime she needed to go home and rest after this outing so she didn't have any issues with her pregnancy - I don't want to be responsible for any problems associaiated with us being out and about - lol

Tomorrow morning I have my follow-up appointment at the chiropractor to get some x-rays done to see how my body is healing with the treatments. I can't wait for the actual findings appointment early next week to see the results!!

Have a great evening everyone!

Carrie: glad you had a super time at the zoo :) hope your follow up appt findings are good!

Originally Posted on Myspace Blog

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