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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blog Re-Do

You've probably noticed the changes that my blog has undergone the last couple of weeks.  I've been trying to find a new look, but didn't have much luck.  Brandi helped me design the last one (that lasted about a week), and it was okay, but I wasn't 100% feeling it.  So when I visited my grandma this weekend and she said to me "When are you gonna change that awful background on your blog?"  I decided it might be time to change it!  Must do what Grandma says!

I was impressed with this layout, the background came came from Cutest Blog on the Block and the topper came from Shabby Blogs.  Neither site had a matching topper & background that spoke to me, so I was very excited that I found these two which I thought matched pretty darn close!  I used PAINT to do some color editing to make the colors match a little bit better, but overall I was happy.

I've had two people tell me that they don't like my picture in the topper....Alex even went as far as saying "you look fat in that picture" so I guess that means I should find a new photo :-) But am in no hurry to do so!  I kinda like my fat photo!!


GO Gray's said...

Hey Cori your layout is so cute. What program did you use or how did you get your picture on your header?

Julia said...

I think it is too 'busy' looking...sorry....I like the outside patterns... ;) Oh...btw, you could never look fat! But Annika kept looking at your picture and saying 'Courtney' ;) ... MacKenzie kept saying "NO...CORI" ha ha ha!


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