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Sunday, January 24, 2010

100,000 miles!!

Yep, that’s right my little car that I bought in high school with only 6,500 miles on it just hit 100,000 today when driving home from Camano!!  Yikes…guess that means it’s time to get a new car!!


Sorry the picture isn’t great, I took it while driving on the freeway (yes smart (& illegal) I know….but this is an important milestone I couldn’t miss!!). 

I started working on my montage from last night that I teased about, but wasn’t able to finish it.  I spent the evening booking tickets to go to TEXAS with Julia, Alec & the kids at the end of March…yep right after the cruise!!  I’m so excited!!  Anyway, so hopefully tomorrow I’ll get the montage finished!  Until then I’ll leave you wondering……

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