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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Julia & I are FAMOUS!

When we were in Spokane last month playing at Monito Park, Julia & I were interviewed by a journalist with the Spokesman Review, the local newspaper.  After we were interviewed, I asked when would it be appearing, the journalist said May 6th, but said it doesn’t appear online, it’s just a newspaper insert.  So I was bummed I probably wouldn’t get to see it.

Well this morning Julia got a message from Teresa in Spokane saying she was reading the paper when she saw a couple of familiar faces smiling back at her….how funny is that?!  We had forgotten about it, and apparently hadn’t warned anyone in Spokane about our ‘interview’.  So thanks to Teresa alerting Julia she was actually able to locate it online! 

Julia then sent me the link, and all she said was “you’ll get a good laugh out of this”.  When I finally was able to look, my first thought was “how did Julia do this” – ie: some how photoshopped me into a newspaper, knowing how I like attention.  Then I read the caption and it all came back to me! 

Back on April 19th, Julia and I were asked If we were in the circus what would we want to do and whyThis is what we said….

circus juliaJulia said “I’d do the motorcycles in the spin cage.  That’s the most exciting part of the circus.” 

circus cori I said “I’d be the ringleader.  I like to be in charge.”

If you want to see the actual newspaper articles, here’s Julia's and here’s Mine.  I don’t know how long it’ll be on their newspaper site, so I posted it above so I have them forever – ha!

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