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Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Paparazzi Are After My Family!

First it was Jaime & my mom that appeared in the news paper (wish I had thought ahead to make a copy of the paper!).  Then a couple of weeks ago Julia & I appeared in it….and now it’s Julia’s kids that are the stars!

There’s a brand new playground in/on (what’s the correct way to say it?) Camano, and the Munro’s were one of the first kids there to play on it!  The twins got interviewed and Annika got her picture in the paper [note: they miss-identified the photo, they wrote Mackenzie when it really was Annika). 

Check out the story HERE or read it below!

annika paper

The triplets, Amy, her girls and I all went to Kelsey Creek Farm today for a playgroup outing.  I got lots of photos and video that I’m turning into a montage, and hope tomorrow to have it up!  But ran out of time today!  So until next time, my friends!

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