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Monday, February 15, 2010

dresses, dresses, everywhere!

Bet you can’t tell we’re trying to pack for a cruise where we have several formal nights.  The last few days have been trying on dresses, running to the laundry mat and buying new dresses to replace ones that don’t fit. 

We have dresses hanging EVERYWHERE in our upstairs, especially in the hallway.  We have clothes hanging……

DSCN7493 DSCN7489
in my moms bathroom and in the doorway to my bedroom

DSCN7491over the banister in the hallway

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in Alex’s doorway and hanging in my closet doorway

Thinking it may be time to start packing these dresses, but I hate the thought of having to ball them up and shove them in my suitcase.  There will be lots of ironing and steaming when we arrive.


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