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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Toys & Togs Totals

I’m writing this while stuffing my face with Wendy’s sitting at Sea-Tac waiting for 4:30 when I can board my flight to Spokane.  A bit annoyed that security confisgated my hair products, but what can I do?  Not much…oh well!
plane I think this will be my plane, it’s another commuter plane where you get to walk on the ‘runway’ to get on the plane.  I’ve only been on one, once before when we went home from Disneyland last year!
Anyway, Brandi, Alex & I went to card-count today for the Toys & Togs Sale last Saturday and I have to say everyone did really well!
Emoms: $68k, not the highest ever grossing sale, last fall it was over $80k, but still nothing to frown about! *they now have to pay the sellers, pay for rental fees,etc. so I'm not sure how much they actually get to keep*

Charity: $375.00 total and she'll get a check for $338.15  (she made 90% as a team-lead, Emoms keeps 10%).  Charity didn’t sell much this sale, because her girls aren’t going through clothes as fast!  It’s crazy the day finally came when she is about done with the sale!

Julia & Jaime: $2,630.75 total and Julia will get a check for $2,367.68 (she made 90% as a team-lead, Emoms keeps 10%).  I did a quick tally of Jaime’s cards and we figure Julia will end up keeping about $1,900 and Jaime about $650 of the total amount.  We won’t know exact numbers until we get the cards back. 
Not to shabby for anyone though!!  I wish it was my money!  Okay I better pack up my stuff, hit the potty and then go wait to board the plane…Spokane…here I come!

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