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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Scrapbook Expo 2010 (Part 2: Pictures & Prizes)

On Sunday, I posted the layouts that I accomplished at the Scrapbook Expo over the weekend!  I wanted to conclude that post with some photos that we took along with Brandi’s BIG prize she won!

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We normally start out pretty clean and organized when we start, but quickly our table turns to this….

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No we can’t find anything, we spend a lot of time sorting through the stuff looking for one itty-bitty brad or sticker or even pair of scissors!  It’s bad…really bad!  Oh well, it shows we had fun!

 Brandi was the BIG BIG BIG, pre-convention winner and won a Hobby Hideaway Mini Armoire.  No lie this costs $1,100!!  Not only does it cost a ton, but it ways about that much too!  O.M.G that thing was a ton.  It took Brandi, Zak & Myself to get it up the three flights of stairs to her house.  We even had to leave it on the second floor for several hours to take a break.  Zak said it was THE HEAVIEST thing he has ever moved in his life!  It’s pretty awesome though, Brandi is one lucky girl!

armour armour 2


As you can see it is H.U.G.E.  It just barely fit in the back of my Grandma’s SUV.  We loaded it long before we packed up our stuff from the crop….needless to say it was a miracle that we fit all our stuff back in.  Seriously, Brandi & I were at the point of trying to decide what to throw away, because it wouldn’t fit!  It was quite comical, especially because it was almost midnight at the time!

After finally, getting everything into the car, we made a midnight trip to Denny’s.  You can see it in our eyes how tired we are!  It was bedtime, we were exhausted, and very hungry!  I scarfed down a BLT (minus the T and mayo, yep without) and a sprite…yum!


What a fun weekend!  It’s sad it’s over, but we’ll definitely be back next year!!  Plus, in just a few months will be the Creating Keepsakes Convention!  I cannot wait!  Hopefully I’ll get to scrap again before then (November), but who knows, life is so busy you never know!


Sherri said...

OK, that's some serious scrappin' there! Looks like fun....and Denny's at midnight? Haven't done that in years!!

viewfromdownhere said...

Wow, looks like you guys were busy at this thing! Dennys at, that reminds me of college...

Liz said...

Ooooh, so THIS story is what all those crazy tweets were about! Ha!

Ashley said...

Congrats to your friend Brandi! I'm green with envy!:) I'm following you from Tues Tag-Along! Looking forward to reading your posts.
<a href=">Wooly World</a>

Unknown said...

I'm coming over from Kelly's Lucky You and just liked your Facebook page!


Jacque said...

Looks like ya'll had a blast. And even though I am doing digital scrapbooking now - I still find that I have to 'dig' for little embellishments too! But I don't think I make near the mess ya'll did! I was thinking to myself the other day how great the whole 'cropping weekend getaways' sound. Like, how would they do that for digi-scrappers? :) lol :) Just all sit at a table with laptops? Kinda funny to think about - huh?
Hope you have a great day!


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