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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Circus Bash!! Connor & MacKenzie

Make sure you check out the Circus Bash!! blog post from couple days ago, it was the party of the year and everyone’s talking about it :-)

Today I’m highlighting the younger “twins” from each set, Connor and MacKenzie!  If you missed yesterday’s post, make sure you check out the photos of Aiden & Annika!


Happy Birthday Connor and

This was a fantastic party!!  It was a lot of work in prepping, but totally worth it in the end!!


Mormon Surrogate: I'm not the mom I'm just the stork said...

Thanks for stopping by and following me. I'm returning the favor and grabbing your cute button! :)

Anonymous said...

aww how cute and adorable!!

confused homemaker said...

Happy Birthday to Connor & MacKenzie!! Looks like they had an awesome time, I also love the shirts with ages on them. How fun!

Unplanned Cooking said...

Those kids are so cute! I love that blue skirt - my daughter would go nuts over it.

Have a great Labor Day!

~Dawn~ said...

Great blog. Glad I stopped by.

Visit me at Mom-a-Logues.


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