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Monday, August 31, 2009

Another Doctors Appointment & Erin and Amy Move

Went to visit my doctor today to get my foot rechecked and I'm happy to report that there is no change to put diagnosis. Dr. K took another set of x-rays, and had the same diagnosis. She did however give me a walking boot, really stylish I know! As ugly as the boot is, it feels so much better it gives a lot more support to both my ankle & my foot, plus I can walk a little bit on it. I still need to adjust the boot to fit me better, it's a little big, so that's my goal tomorrow. The only other thing my doctor said was to rest one more day tomorrow and get used to walking on my foot in the boot awhile, but I should be fine to work on Wednesday.

Speaking of work, I stopped by to talk to Kim about tomorrow so I got to see the kiddos. Jack wouldn't even talk to me, Nate & Gabbi were amazed by my crutches and 'shoe'. The quickly wanted up up up! Jack only became my friend when I said he could come over to my house. Any chance to go to "Coe-i's house (Cori's)" and/or to see "A-yex" (Alex - for those of you who don't read baby!). Gab, Jack & Sophie came over for a cookie, Nate happily stayed behind to bask in the light of only child-dom! He however was happy to see that we brought him a cookie too!

Today, Erin & Amy moved in together in to an apartment in Bothell. The apartment was very nice! Originally (a month ago) my job was to just take Jordyn for the day so they could unpack without her. However, with my foot, I couldn't have her alone because I was unable to pick her up, so Alex helped me! We ended up spending a lot of time at their new apartment. Alex was able to help them move boxes around, I couldn't do much but hang up clothes. Alex & I did manage to put Jordyn's crib together with no instructions (don't worry we did it right, and there were no extra pieces!). Alex & I then took Jordyn with us to my doctors appointment, so the couple hours we were gone they got a lot of unpacking done! They still have a lot to do, but they have a good start and most of the little girls' room is put together so Camryn will be able to play and sleep!

I'm exhausted and my foot hurts from walking (and the boot rubbing, I need to adjust it) and my armpits hurt from the dumb crutches. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel even better then I did today!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Canyon Day

Hello Everyone and Greetings from home! Not long after I posted my Seven Peaks Waterpark pictures, I ended up going to the ER to get my foot and ankle X-Rayed and for some medication for the pain. It doesn’t appear that my ankle is broken, but badly sprained and possibly torn ligaments. I’ll go back to my doctor this week to get it re-checked. Here are a couple pictures my mother took of me (& Alex) waiting in my room at the hospital.


I was supposed to fly home on Friday evening, but because of my ankle I wasn’t able to so I got to got to see Emily, Adam, and their adorable girls Katelyn (4) and Hailey (2) in addition to Aunt Penny and David again. Friday evening we went up to the Canyon for dinner…Thanks Alex for taking pictures because I was a bit drugged and out of it!

Pictures Hanging Out At Our ‘Campsite’ We were lucky that our campsite was right next to the playground so the little girls (plus Alex, Kelly & David) had fun while the rest of us hung out!DSCN1723DSCN1725DSCN1733DSCN1771DSCN1774DSCN1736DSCN1783 DSCN1780

Hailey has the most expressive faces! Alex and Hailey were BFF’s the could days we spent with the Wankier’s. So that’s why there are a TON of picture of Hailey!DSCN1730DSCN1728 DSCN1729 DSCN1759DSCN1753

Cutie-patootie Katelyn! This little girl has serious attitude! She is a teenager in a 4-year-olds body!DSCN1737 DSCN1742DSCN1738

Kelly hanging out with Hailey DSCN1743 DSCN1744 DSCN1745

The little girls and David playing on the slide!DSCN1760 DSCN1763

Lovely pictures of David! The Canyon was FILLED with mosquitos. Both David & I were eating alive, here’s a few of him trying to stay away from the bugs!
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Adam and his adorable girls Katelyn & Hailey

What a blast we had in Salt Lake this past week! It was great to re-connect with our family and made lots of memories! I also was able to find out that Hutchison’s, Kylee, and Jessicaall have blogs that I can now follow! Hopefully we don’t go this long again without talking and seeing each other!

Hutchison Family Blog:
Kylee’s Family Blog:
Jessica’s Blog:

Edited 8/31/09 - Aunt Kris said she's not cool enough to have a I deleted the link :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Seven Peaks Waterpark

DSCN1715All I wanted to do for my birthday here in Salt Lake was to go to a water park.  We originally were going to go to Lagoon, but when we went to Costco to buy the tickets we found out that Seven Peaks Waterpark was cheaper.  So we decided to go there.  We drove the 30minutes to Provo, to find out that it was closed until 4pm.  I was crushed, but we decided we’d come back in a few hours when it opened.  So we went to lunch a The Spaghetti Factory then went down memory lane with mom and Cindy at BYU.  DSCN1690Mom & Cindy posing together in the BYU library

We made it back to Seven Peaks about 10minutes before they opened so I got to be the 2nd person through the gate!

seven peaks2 seven peaks

Mom & I did all the scary waterslides…including the orange one above.  It is a 100ft freefall drop, I’ve never been so scared in my life.  I did it once but don’t think I’ll do it again!

We rented two double inner tubes and had fun going down the slides with those!  They also have a wave pool (where Alex spent most of her time) and a lazy river that we went around in.  Fun!

The best ‘rides’ were the Vortex (aka ‘the toilet bowl’) and the Boomerang a GIANT half-pipe tube ride.  Mom and I went on the Boomerang once, it was fun, but again not sure I’d do it again!

The Boomerang Ride
OMG we survived!!

After riding the Boomerang with Mom, I took Alex on the Vortex.  This ride is fun because you shoot down a water slide, then it drops you into a ‘bowl’ where you go round and round until you get sucked down one more tube.  I was in the front and we were heading down the final tube backwards.  Alex didn’t want to go down backwards so at the last minute she turned it around.  My ankle got caught on the mouth of the tube and twisted as we went down. 

Hurt my ankle and foot real bad, and had to go get ice for it from the First Aid station.  Then had to sit and ice it for awhile and rest.

I didn’t let it stop me and after resting a little while got back up and went on a few more slides…including the Vortex one more time.  But after being on it again for awhile, it really hurt and on our way out I stopped at the First Aid Station again and this time an EMT was there and offered to look at it and tape it up.  My family of course chose to take pictures of it.  Alex, however did get in trouble and was told she wasn’t allowed to…but here I am posting them LOL!

My bruised foot

Looking for the keys…who had them last?

And of course they insisted on pushing me in a wheelchair out to the car…


I had big plans of going back today, but I had a rough night and my foot still hurts this morning so decided it probably was not a good idea! I wish we had a water park like this in Seattle, what  a blast we had!!

GOOD NEWS though, Aunt Penny, Emily & the girls will be here tonight!  I’m so excited!  Tomorrow I head back to Seattle, so I’m hoping my foot is feeling better by then or it could be hard by myself with all my luggage!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vacation Break…Spokane Pictures

So, today we ended up going to Seven Peaks Waterpark instead of Lagoon, it was cheaper and closer!  We had a great time, until the end when I twisted my ankle on one of the slides.  So tonight I’m in a lot of pain and am not up to writing about the day.  So you’ll all have to wait until tomorrow to read about it and see the pictures!  But in the meantime…I’ve been holding onto this post a few days so I thought tonight would be a good time to post it!  So enjoy!!


I FINALLY got the pictures from Julia from our trip to Spokane earlier this month.  If you missed out on our fun check out HERE and HERE!!  Enjoy!!

The boys’ birthmom Britney & Sibilingsspokane9
Aiden & Britney

Britney & Connor

The Crew

Connor with the kitty

Chuck E Cheese with Ashli’s Family (Mackenzie’s mom)
Cousin  Kaylynn & Mackenzie

Mackenzie & Ashli

The twins…playing the firefighter game…go figure


Kaden & Aiden…again playing the firefighter game

Swimming at Julia’s Aunt Deanna’s housespokane02
Mackenzie & I going down the water slide

Don’t worry Julia caught her at the bottom!

Aiden swimming to me

Miscellaneous Picturesspokane
The Munro Kids’ first night in a hotel!

All our stuff…and this was just for 3 nights!

Mackenzie with Ann, her birthfather’s mother

Mackenzie and her ‘pretties’


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